Who should apply?
We welcome all companies with life science technologies to apply, whether your intellectual property is licensed from Cornell or not.
Application steps
Please follow the steps more or less in sequence to complete the admission package. Please contact us to discuss your business and submit the application.
- Sign Non-Disclosure_Agreement
- Self-assess your company using Candidate Screening Tool (see the User Guide for detailed instructions) and discuss with the Center for Life Science Ventures staff
- Fill out Center for Life Science Ventures Application Form and submit with the following supporting document
- Company business plan
- Company incubation plan (see Incubation Plan Template)
- Company science plan (see Science Plan sample)
- Company cap table
- Company incorporation documents
- Copy of principal technology license (for Cornell technology only)
- Pre-Operational Safety, Health & Environmental Review Form (POSHER) (see the POSHER User Guide) – only required for clients using lab space
- Center for Life Science Ventures staff reviews the application and documents, conducts management team interviews and works with the prospective client to refine the package
- The Advisory Council reviews the application and votes on a decision
- Executive / submit the following agreements to be officially admitted to the program
- Center for Life Science Ventures Space License Agreement Company incubation plan will be part of the appendix for mutual agreement
- Incubation Program Participation Agreement
- Equity Investment Agreement– only required for non-Cornell companies
- Certificates of insurance required by the Space License Agreement
If you have difficulties access these documents or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to Contact US.